
Elemental Analysis

CHN Elemental Analysis

Robertson Microlit specializes in CHN elemental analysis, using microanalytical techniques to determine percent carbon-hydrogen-nitrogen content of a substance or compound.

CHN is a rapid, accurate and inexpensive composition and purity test. In conjunction with mass spectrometry and NMR data, this technique can be used to extrapolate the molecular structure of a compound. It can be used to measure carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, and requires only milligram amounts of the substance to be tested. It is ideal for testing pharmaceuticals, fine chemicals, petroleum products, polymers, as well as organometallic compounds, either in liquid or solid form.

Please use our RML Analysis Request Form to request your CHN analysis today.

Halogens/Sulfur Testing

Robertson Microlit Laboratories performs both ionic and organically bound halogen and sulfur determinations. We analyze pharmaceutical and chemical compounds utilizing classical wet chemistry, as well as state-of-the-art instrumental and chromatographic techniques.

Titration Methods

Titration may be used to determine total and/or ionic chlorine, bromine, and sulfur, as well as ionic chloride, bromide, and sulfate. In cases where sample quantity is limited, or where other elements present in the sample may pose an interference, we recommend ion chromatography as an alternative.

Ion Chromatography

Ion chromatography is used for the specific determination of halogens and sulfate, as well as other various anionic and cationic species . This technique is also particularly valuable for the determination of ions in samples where multiple species are present, or where interfering elements are present thereby precluding titration, or when sample quantities are limited.

Ion-Selective Electrode Methodology

The determination of organically bound fluorine or ionic fluoride may be accomplished using an ion-selective electrode methodology. This analytical technique offers specificity and accuracy from percent to ppm level determinations across a wide range of pharmaceutical and chemical compounds.

Please use our RML Analysis Request Form to request your halogen or sulfur analysis today.

For a quote for services, please contact us.